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Android Development for BadError has started

Many of our Community requested webhosting a Android Version of our App BadError. Finally we have started the Development of the Android Version website to give our Community what they wanted.

We are happy to announce the starting of the development of the Android Version. We had some issues of finding Developer who have the skills to make something like this possible. The web hosting Android Version will help us to grow our App Community and to offer our Services to more people. We are also planning to release a Website Version for AndroidModz, but at the moment we focus on the Android Development. As soon as we finish the Android Development we will start with the Website Development to offer AndroidModz to more People.
Ofcourse we wont stop with the Android Development. We are always working on the App to website hosting make at better and easier to use. We will release a new Android within the next 2 Weeks with many new Functions and Domain Names Changes.

You will love it ;)

“Our Goal is it to make AndroidModz accessible for everyone ”
Our next update will include a Forum and Chat Feature, web host so you can share your Gaming Server Adresses to other people around the World. This could help your Minecraft Server to get more Players and Attention, but other Gaming Servers aswell. The normal share feature will still be in the App, because many told us that they use it often and find it useful.